Image of tiled layout showing a simplified representation of a homepage and mobile webpage

Here's why you shouldn't link QR codes to your website's homepage

Linking a generated QR code that you create to your homepage creates a poor customer experience that lacks relevant and contextual information.

QR code use has grown significantly since 2020 to engage current and potential customers. A single scan can connect a person directly to your digital presence in seconds. In 2021 alone, 45% of patrons scanned a QR code while shopping. So it might seem like a no-brainer to direct customers to your website's homepage via a QR code, but that may not be your best strategy.

Take a hard look at your homepage

According to The Mckinsey & Company's This Next in Personalization 2021 Report, found that over 70% of consumers now expect personalized marketing from today's brands. QR codes should make it quick and easy for customers to find the information they need based on how they interact with your brand. And landing on the homepage doesn't do that.

Typically homepages are a one-size-fits-all, attempting to appeal to everyone that ends up on your website. It's the face of your brand and often a customer's first look. And that's the point of your homepage.

It's too time-consuming and costly to build or update a new landing page for each and every product and the physical moment a customer engages with your brand — retail, at home, from their car, etc.

But when it comes to driving engagement and conversions, your brand's website is not contextual to the visitor's current stage in their customer journey. Homepages are not relevant to the in-hand product experience or the time and location a customer scans your QR code.

Picture this scenario

You're a shopper at your local grocery store looking at a new brand of eggs. It's important to you to purchase free-range, organic products.

On the carton is a QR code with the statement: "Free range & organic. Scan to learn more."

You scan the QR code, and instead of landing on a contextualized product-specific page, you're dumped on the brand's homepage. It tells you where to buy eggs and offers a new omelet recipe. But there is zero information about whether the eggs are free-range or organic.

Now in the middle of a crowded grocery store, you have to click through the website on your phone or, worse, go to Google to search for it yourself. The website is not mobile-friendly and challenging to navigate, making it more trouble than it's worth. You have your three kids with you and have spent all the time you can searching for the information.

That's a poor brand experience you can easily avoid. The 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, and why) can explain the pitfalls of linking a QR code to your homepage.

Image of hands holding a phone scanning the qr code on a carton of eggs


It's evident that "who" is your current and potential customers but consider more details. Take into account their demographics, whether or not they are tech savvy, have already bought your product, or are discovering you for the first time.

Different customers will want different types of information. A busy, working mom needs to find information quickly and easily while on the go. A shopper focused on their health will want in-depth nutrition facts.


Now, let's determine the information or content customers want, specifically, what caused them to scan your QR code. Get into their decision-making mindset.

Consider our earlier scenario; the shopper wanted to know more about the free-range and organic chicken farms that are promised on the packaging. They're tracing the eggs to ensure they can trust the product and want to verify the claims are genuine. Don't make the customers dig deeper for the information they want or need.


Next, think about where your customers are scanning the QR code. Are they at the grocery store, visiting your booth at a farmers market, or are they at home, having just ordered something from your online shop?

Wherever a customer may be must be taken into account because it will influence their perception of your brand.

If they're at the grocery store, like in our example, their interaction with your brand must be intuitive and fast.

But if they're preparing breakfast at home, share featured recipes and update them weekly to keep your content fresh.


This could be a time of day or even year, such as the holiday season. Consider the "when" to determine how your information should be presented.

Contextual content should be rotated: promotions, recipes, or key information based on when shoppers are scanning.


Finally, why should you invest time and effort to create contextual pages and experiences for customers via QR codes – the answer is higher customer conversion.

It's about finding the right mix between the above 4 Ws to provide consumers with the correct information to foster brand loyalty and trust at the right time.

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How you can get started with Digiphy

Building contextual customer experiences can seem daunting, but Digiphy makes it easy.

Simple page creation

Create contextual experiences beyond the label using modular and customizable digital pages. Easily update and revise information to directly engage your customers with the right information at the right time, building trust, instilling transparency, and inspiring loyalty. All of which lead to increased sales and conversions.

All-in-one platform

Whether on inserts, out-of-home advertising, shelf-talkers for events, digital signs in stores, or event activation strategies, generate a QR code in seconds to link to your pages all in one platform.

Data-driven insights

Even capture customer data with Digiphy. Use valuable analytics and insights in marketing dead zones to understand better the 5 Ws that inform your contextual-marketing strategies and better A/B test them.

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Use Digiphy to connect with your customers at critical moments of interest. Collect customer information, educate, increase reorders and more.

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